Arte Push

In October 2016, European media Arte launched its first hackathon alongside NUMA, coworking space and incubator, and Simplon, coding school.

Our pitch:

"I love Bruce Sterling and his work. A friend told me a documentary was streaming on Arte, but by the time I checked, it was no longer available!"
Common story. We offered to develop a plugin to allow Arte aficionados to keep track of available content on their browser, depending on their current interests.

The plugin picks up information from the user's searches shows content about or connected to those topics on a drop-down menu.

My Role

Product manager
• Coordination of the team
• Project Document complete with user journeys, wireframes, delivery steps etc.

The Team

A remote team of 4: Game designer, creative technologist, UI designer and product manager.

At the moment

- Sprint #1 done: Project Document sent to Arte for review and feedback.
- Planning Sprint #2, development of MVP.
- Defining metrics and user testing methods.